AleksTaurus / Depositphotos.com
Chattanooga’s municipal elections are underway. Today, residents have the opportunity to vote on key leadership positions, including city mayor and council representatives. In addition, they will also decide on an amendment concerning the residency requirements for law enforcement personnel in the area.
The current mandate states officers and firefighters must reside within the state of Tennessee. However, Captain Damien Vinson with the Chattanooga Fire Department, who serves as the Communications Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator, explains that the proposed amendment seeks to expand recruitment eligibility to individuals living in neighboring states such as Georgia and Alabama.
“We are right on the border of Georgia and Alabama, and many people from those areas already work in different organizations throughout the city,” Vinson says. “If someone can live in Memphis, Nashville, or Knoxville and work here, then it should also be acceptable for someone living just across the state line to do the same.”
During the Chattanooga municipal elections, voters have the opportunity to shape the city’s future by deciding on this amendment, along with other important leadership positions. Residents are encouraged to head to the polls March 4th and make their voices heard. Voting sites will remain open until 8pm tonight.
For more information visit elect.hamiltontn.gov